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Work From Home – 14 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Productivity

Work From Home - 14 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Productivity

The first time the concept of Work from Home was introduced, all of us were eager and put our best effort into it. But nowadays, as it is becoming more common, productivity anywhere anytime isn’t a goal you achieve every day.

In the event you are suffering from the pain of not feeling your best while working from home, please allow us to tell you about 14 easy ways to master the kind of productivity before work from home becomes your permanent thing.

The following tips will help you get the most out of your remote work hours, whether you are working from home every day, a few days a week, or if you are only working remotely while recovering from an illness.

1. Create a Long-Term Work Environment

The first step in your “work from home” journey is to set aside a particular area of your home for work. You may turn an empty or spare bedroom into a home office. If you’re short on space, a desk for your computer and office supplies can be set up. Establish a home office, no matter which room or space, and commit to working from this location every day. It’s best to keep your workspace quiet so you can pay attention to your job.

The first step in your “work from home” journey is to set aside a particular area of your home for work. You may turn an empty or spare bedroom into a home office. If you’re short on space, a desk for your computer and office supplies can be set up. Establish a home office, no matter which room or space, and commit to working from this location every day. It’s best to keep your workspace quiet so you can pay attention to your job.

2. Schedule Your Tasks

Work from home offers many benefits, including being able to set your schedule. Being able to experience unlimited freedom gives you a sense of self-assurance. Remember when you just had two lessons a day and could do whatever you wanted the rest of the time? Working from home will give you some kind of independence.

But, just as in college, it’s critical to create a schedule, or you’ll find yourself sucked into a YouTube time-suck at 5 p.m., having achieved nothing. Every day, eat at the same time. At the same time, begin and end your job (pending emergencies). You can guess how long things will take and leave time for things like meetings, calls, and breaks by creating a schedule.

3. Time Yourself

Set a timer for each of your tasks and estimate how much time you’ll need to complete them. It is entirely up to you how you go about doing so; there are numerous options. In the Pomodoro approach, 25 minutes are spent working on a goal and every 5 minutes is spent taking a break. You can use one of the many timer-based apps if you have a mission that will take much longer than that.

4. Start Your Day by Completing Your Most Dreaded Tasks

Whichever task you hate the most is almost certainly the one you must complete first thing in the morning.

It makes people feel accomplished to check their emails first thing in the morning. But that’s just a ruse to give the impression of having accomplished more.

Simple activities such as reading emails first thing in the morning are detrimental to your health. Do the tough things instead and you’ll have more energy in the morning!

5. Every Morning, Make a New To-Do List

It can be difficult to keep track of what you need to do during the day when you work from home and don’t have a supervisor breathing down your neck. Priorities, jobs, and deadlines can all be easily forgotten.

Begin each day by going through your daily priorities. Stick to your to-do list until you’ve written it down. Although it’s tempting to dive right into your inbox, you can make a difference while working from home with a little extra emphasis.

Each assignment should have a target and a deadline. Cross each item off your list when you’ve completed it. This straightforward method is both efficient and enjoyable.

Stay on track by jotting down all of the tasks that need to be completed at the start of each day.

6. Wearing Your Pajamas is not a Good Idea

A lot of people like working from home for this reason. You are sabotaging your efficiency if you prefer to work in your pajamas. “Dress for performance” isn’t just a catchphrase in the workplace; it’s crucial when you work from home.

The process prepares you to handle video chats or check-ins with team members, in addition to keeping you mentally focused during your workday. You’ll get ready mentally and physically for the day, and you’ll be able to focus on getting work done.

Dress for work as if you were in the workplace, even if you don’t leave the house.

7. Always Carry a Pen and Notebook with You

You can jot down your thoughts, to-dos, and ideas at any time using this method. The important thing is to get it off your mind and onto paper. You won’t be reminded of it every second of the day by your subconscious mind. Obtaining the Evernote App is also an option. Not only can you save money on ink and paper, but Evernote will also allow you to jot down notes and ideas that you can then share with your team. If you’re the sort of person who has a lot of ideas and wants to share them, this can be helpful in some situations.

For more productivity hacks read this –

8. Eat a Variety of Healthful Meals and Snacks

Another advantage to working from home is having the ability to make our kitchen just what we want. Thus, we reach for chips or cookies or leftover pizza for lunch or a snack break. The foods available in an office cafeteria or what we bring from home for lunch make it difficult to cater for our needs.

However, studies have shown that eating fruits and vegetables increases overall productivity. You can also refrain from purchasing unhealthy snacks. Instead of buying on the spur of the moment, you can plan and buy more nutritious snacks later.

After a great and productive week, treat yourself to a nice treat on Friday.

If you’re a frequent snacker, prepare a balanced lunch for yourself, just as you would if you had to go to work.

9. Roomies are not Permitted

It’s all about setting limits while working from home. Setting limits for children, pets, family members, or roommates is also part of this. Encourage them to leave you alone while you work so that you can concentrate.

Try to keep the boundaries light-hearted and playful, but stick to them. Making a sign for your office door that shows whether you’re working or not is a fun idea. You can also get your kids to help you make the sign so they don’t feel left out.

10. Social Media should be Avoided

We should all admit to doing this now and then. The time spent on social media is huge. That’s longer than most people sleep or work! In addition, many mobile apps now display how much time users spend in each one. This is eye-opening, particularly for newcomers to social media.

Learn about the social media policies that apply to your company. They may even want you to participate in their preferred social media platforms, such as LinkedIn.

By reducing mindless social media use, you can reduce distractions and get more work done.

If you enjoy using social media, make it a habit to switch off updates throughout the day. Consider disabling your phone’s notifications.

11. Frequently Check in With Your Co-workers

Meet with your colleagues daily. Meetings should have an agenda that positively engages all participants and encourages them to participate. Set aside time for each participant to meet privately to exchange updates, receive coaching, and discuss personal developments.

Take into consideration why people choose to work from home. Some aspects of work can be missed by remote workers. Make sure to talk about the larger tasks they’re focused on in addition to answering phone calls.

Regularly hold live video meetings and conference calls to make remote workers feel respected and included.

12. The Day should be Broken up into Segments

According to a 2011 report, staff who took two short breaks stayed consistently productive when given a specific task to complete, while those who did not take breaks “performed dramatically throughout the task”.

This has much to do with how our brain registers what it needs to focus on and emphasises the importance of taking breaks.

A second study discovered that staff who worked for about 50 minutes and then took a 15-20 minute break were the most productive. This could be a good pattern to start with if you’re not used to taking breaks.

Set an alarm to remind you to return to work if you have trouble sticking to a time limit for your breaks.

13. Purchase a Quality Collection of Headphones

Even if your laptop or smartphone is brand new, you can invest in a good pair of headphones with a microphone. Noise-canceling capabilities will significantly boost the clarity of your calls. You’ll enjoy the higher fidelity of your calls with today’s virtual phone systems.

Long battery life, Bluetooth connectivity, a microphone, and noise cancellation are all important features to look for in a headset. Both of these things work together to make your remote working tasks a bit more manageable.

Purchase a quality collection of headphones. If you don’t already have them, request that your employer add them to your work-from-home toolkit.

14. Work and Personal Time should be Kept Apart

It’s just as important to show up for work when you say you will as it is to make time for your family when you need it. Don’t go too far beyond what you expected for the day at work, or you’ll burn yourself out.

One of the most valuable working from home tips is to keep your professional and personal lives apart. This allows you to be more productive when at work and decreases stress when you’re not. In the same way that you schedule, communicate, and prepare when you won’t be available to work, you can schedule, communicate, and plan when you won’t be available to work.


The current economic climate makes working from home a reality for many. The time that people spend working and at home is divided equally with their families.
Remember to never, ever give up when you are going through all this. Stay positive, productive, and healthy. Stay calm and focus while following these tips, they are proven and will prove beneficial over the long term.
If you need some tips to stay calm and productive at work while you wait for your normal lives back to normal, we can offer them here.

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