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Know the 5 Exciting Recent Trends in Service Marketing

recent trends in service marketing

The corporate marketing landscape is ever-changing, and keeping up with the latest trends can be difficult. People struggle to keep up with the rate of innovation across all marketing platforms and sift through the never-ending stream of content. One of the responsibilities is to sift through all of the sales pitches and determine what is important to our clients and how we can help them become more competitive now and in the future. This is where the recent trends in service marketing come in handy.

B2B marketing communications are now entirely driven by digital, which is made up of a variety of channels and endless ways to contact your target audiences. As it takes time to rethink, gain buy-in from the company, train, and execute, We’re offering the best perspective on the major trends that you should consider in your marketing strategy.

Recent Trends in Service Marketing

Below are the 5 most Recent Trends in Service Marketing that need attention:

1. Activation

The most important development in recent trends in service marketing is that B2B marketers must quickly adapt to the mobilization of audiences and content. Clients may now consume and share information from any mobile device, which means marketers must incorporate mobile into their strategy from the start, rather than adding it later. All of your digital assets must now be activated in order to engage with an audience whose habits have shifted dramatically. Their favored gadgets for consuming and sharing material on the go are smartphones and tablets.

2. Ultra-individualization

Customizing and personalizing content to give relevance to each client or prospect will have a big influence on your ability to engage with and keep your audiences. Professional marketers who are thinking ahead are implementing tactics and next-generation marketing technologies to provide a hyper-personalized content experience found vitality in recent trends in service marketing and saw that it also adds value to the client relationship. This strategy could help to resolve the recurring conflict between fee earners and relationship owners who want to control what is best for their clients and marketing teams who want to control the brand and review what is sent. As a result, highly relevant content is sent on a one-to-one basis, directly from the person who owns or manages the connection, not just the firm.



recent trends in service marketing3. Automated marketing

Reduced duplication of content across digital channels to free up marketing time for other activities. This is content-centric marketing strategy is the strongest of the recent trends in service marketing that has been popular in consumer marketing, but it has been sluggish to catch on in high-value services marketing due to the long sales cycle and internal complications, among other issues. Advanced digital tools can now automate the delivery of appropriate content to contacts based on their content, frequency, and channel choices. The tools are surprisingly simple to use and have a significant impact on your return on investment and team morale.

4. Technology that empowers

Client-facing professionals and teams now have access to intuitive digital tools and mobile apps thanks to recent advancements in decentralized marketing technology, allowing them to conduct and manage their own client relationship marketing efforts. Recent trends in service marketing have proven that these tools can now be used on a variety of devices, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets, to consume, curate, share and socialize information without the intervention of a central marketing staff. However, as administrators, central marketing teams retain control of these technologies, resulting in less focus and time spent on execution and more energy spent on planning.

5. Customer relationship management (CRM) with a marketing focus

Recent trends in service marketing have shown that CRM installations have cost businesses a lot of money and time, but the outcomes have been mixed. The playing field for professional services CRM has lately been leveled, with previously dominating installed platforms losing steam and struggling to adapt in this mobile, cloud-based market. There is already a shift toward marketing-oriented CRM platforms with improved usability and mobile capabilities, as well as complex marketing workflows and connectors to aid in the long-term sales cycle.


These are just a few of the main themes to keep in mind. These have been taken from the recent trends in service marketing that we have seen. There are undoubtedly many additional aspects at play that will influence the marketing strategy you choose. The most important thing that marketers overlook is the necessity to INNOVATE and DIFFERENTIATE; otherwise, they will simply be following the lead of their competitors and will lose their competitive advantage.

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