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Payment Remittance: Meaning, Methods, How it Works, and more

Payment Remittance

Businesses that operate globally face numerous obstacles, ranging from language and cultural challenges to inflation and tax issues, but the advantages of a larger market typically outweigh the dangers. Also, after the advent of global “work from home” initiatives, American workers are learning that working abroad is more appealing when they don’t have to have a permanent desk. According to Allied Market Research, the compound annual growth rate for payment remittance is expected to reach 3.9% by 2026, which represents an increase of over $300 billion since 2018 alone.

Continue reading to understand payment remittance, we’ll go over what it implies, how it works, the many payment options available, and more.

What is a Payment Remittance?  

Let’s start from scratch. What does the term remittance mean? It is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as:

To remit means to send money to a person or place, especially to pay a demand, account, or draught.

In other terms, payment remittance is a transfer-based money exchange. Typically, one party will transmit funds to another side via electronic transfer or wire transmission. This type of transaction is frequently multinational and can be completed fairly rapidly. The payment may be made to:

  • Pay an employee
  • Send money overseas to a foreign aid agency.
  • Pay off a bill from a supplier.
  • Help family members back home

The greatest category of payment remittances, however, consists of employees who prefer to work abroad and migrant workers who send money home to family or friends. According to the World Bank, the combined GDP of low-, middle-, and high-income countries in 2019 exceeded $600 billion, and remittance payments represent a large share of the GDP of some nations.

How does a Payment Remittance transaction work?

A payer sends remittance payments to a payee using one or more intermediate agents or third-party financial technologies to process any applicable fees or exchange rates. The transfer is initiated by a person or business desiring to send a remittance payment, and the intermediary agent collects any applicable fees. The receiving agent is alerted of the incoming funds and applies any applicable exchange rates; in some instances, the receiving agent deducts an extra fee from the incoming cash. This procedure can take up to 5 business days, depending on the method of money transmission.

A statement of the money transfer known as the “payment remittance advice” is part of the remittance process. This is occasionally an email or electronic remittance advice (ERA), but it can also be a printed document that can be scanned into accounting software to capture pertinent data.

These remittance slips provide firms making payments to a supplier (B2B payments) with a summary of how much was paid towards specific invoices. If the material will be transmitted electronically, it is essential to obtain the recipient’s email address. Basic remittance advise includes payment information such as invoice number or purchase order number, payment amount and method of payment, business name and contact information for both firm and supplier, as well as remittance date and expected transaction completion date.

Although remittance advice is not required documentation, it is a valuable courtesy for record-keeping. When a supplier has questions about payment, the remittance advice serves as a point of contact. Occasionally, an invoice will have detachable invoice advice that can be completed for expediency and precision. The purpose of remittance advice is to inform the recipient that a transaction has been initiated it is not intended as proof of payment.

How to Remit Payment to send money abroad?

Depending on which option is desired, remittance payments can be made online or in person. In addition to transaction fees, several banks offer in-person remittance services, but this technique incurs “retail markup” on exchange rates. Alternately, electronic funds transfers (EFTs) are gaining popularity among consumers and organisations seeking more easy access to remittance payment methods. Regardless of the desired strategy, it is essential to consider the following:

1. Fees – Know with certainty the fees that apply at the start and finish of a remittance payment.

2. Exchange rate – Understand international exchange rates and whether or not additional retail markup is imposed.

3. Communication – Clarify the amount being sent and the amount that will be received.

4. Timeline – Anticipate the time required for the transaction.

5. Security – Identify available choices if a payment is delayed or lost.

Reasons you might send money overseas:

There are numerous reasons why an individual or business may wish to transfer funds abroad. A common necessity is to support the family in one’s home country financially. In this global economy, individuals will seek employment opportunities abroad to support their families. Remittance payments involve the transmission of funds to loved ones. Transaction fees can be fairly substantial for certain types of transactions.

Other reasons include hiring an international contractor. Due to the increasingly global nature of business, many organisations will hire a foreign specialist on a temporary or project basis. The easiest approach to repay the contractor is through a remittance transfer. Typically, this scenario includes a firm issuing a person a remittance.

An individual may choose to pay a business via international money transfer. This often takes the form of a charitable contribution or gift for a specific purpose, such as a disaster fund. Frequently, remittance payments to underdeveloped nations take the form of financial aid.

Payment Remittance

Payment methods to make a Payment Remittance

Considerations such as the sender’s and the recipient’s simplicity of use, the sender’s and the recipient’s payment preferences, any fees that may be associated with the choice, and the time it takes to process the option all play a role in determining which remittance method is the most suitable.

1. Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a developing digital payment technique. The function is identical to an ACH or wire transfer; in fact, ACH and wire transfers are types of EFT. EFT is a digital payment method that efficiently transfers funds at a cheaper cost and at a faster rate than wire or ACH transactions. As automation rises, payment solution providers embrace EFT. 59% of 2018 payments between three worldwide areas were made electronically, according to ystats.

2. ACH Payments

ACH payments are an electronic funds transfer (EFT) method that utilises the Automated Clearing House. Even though certain ACH payments can be processed on the same day, ACH payments can take up to three days to clear since they are cleared in batches throughout the day, with clearly defined cut-off times. Financial institutions that accept ACH payments are obligated to make available upon request remittance advice regarding the transactions.

3. Wire Transfer

Banks and wire transfer firms such as Western Union and Moneygram both facilitate wire transfers. Some money transfer providers permit the use of a credit card or debit card for the transfer of funds. Wire transactions can be accomplished fast, but processing can take several days. Depending on the destination and quantity being sent, using wire transfers for overseas remittances may entail high fees.

4. Cheque

Cheques are a low-cost solution for remitting payments. However, the time required to execute a cheque payment can be a significant impediment to efficient business practises, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, other nations, including Germany and the Netherlands, have eliminated the use of cheques.

5. Money Orders

Money orders are another low-cost form of remittance. While there is a fee associated with creating a money order, the payer can identify a specific recipient, so preventing fraud. In addition, recipients of money orders are not required to have a bank account money orders can be cashed at the issuing institution. Money orders are restricted to restrictions, often $1,000, making them unsuitable for bigger payments.

6. Credit Cards

If you choose to make a remittance payment with a credit card, you may incur additional fees.

For example, some payment gateways charge an extra 2.9% plus a currency-specific flat fee for credit card-based online transfers.

Western Union also charges greater fees for credit card transactions. If you wish to send money using your bank account, you can avoid these fees by using bank transfers instead.

Payment Remittance

Can Remittances be taxed?

Whether or not remittances are taxable depends on a variety of factors. The nature of the remittance can play a role: is the payment an inheritance or income? Residency status in the country of origin or the country of destination is another issue. In the United Kingdom, non-residents owe no taxes on remittances, whereas citizens may levy income taxes. Some taxes apply to the amount of a remittance that may be considered income.

Additionally, the United States demands tax documentation for big quantities, even if the amounts are not taxable. Moreover, under the Banking Secrecy Act, the United States requires financial institutions to file paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service anytime transfers exceeding $10,000 occur. Businesses and individuals who make or receive larger payments would be prudent to ensure they provide the proper paperwork to avoid fraud probes.

Finally, before making or receiving bigger or more regular remittance payments, it is recommended practise to consult with a competent tax advisor who is familiar with both international and local tax rules and codes.


Whether you need to send a one-time transfer or are an expatriate who routinely sends money home to your family, it is important to understand how remittances work and what fees may be involved.

So, with a little bit of study, you may discover a means to move your money swiftly, securely, and at a cheaper cost. Thus, more of your hard-earned money reaches its destination and less is consumed by the bank or transfer service fees.


1. What is Payment Remittance meaning?   

Ans: Payment Remittance is a transfer-based money exchange. Typically, one party will transmit funds to another side via electronic transfer or wire transmission. This type of transaction is frequently multinational and can be completed fairly rapidly.

2. What is the annual remittance of India?  

Ans: In FY21, remittances to India totalled $87 billion, or 2.75% of India’s GDP.

3. Which nations send India the greatest amount of remittances?

Ans: The UAE, the USA, and Saudi Arabia are the three countries that send the most money to India.

4. Which nations receive the most money sent from India?

Ans: Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka are the nations that receive the most remittances from India.

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